three more books explaining consciousness have been published & reviewed in the news media. it's just a matter of time before one of these books actually explains consciousness. keep printing!  

reported in: The Guardian by Andrew Anthony on 6th February 2022 & The New Scientist by Richard Webb on 26th January 2022 & Science News by JP O'Malley on 5th January 2022

this story was in episode 24 #consciousness #book #review #mind #brain

the error bar says

the Guardian, New Scientist & Science News all contain reviews of books on consciousness by a consultant neurologist, a philosopher & a neuroscientist, respectively.

there are an awful lot of books on consciousness already. an awful lot of them pop up in the news media. the authors are universally male & usually look thoughtful or powerful.

to end this cottage industry we must hope that one of these books, one day, will be correct.

